Prácticas de redacción 2014/2015

sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2014

'Earth' without 'art' is just 'eh'

As you can see in the title, today I'm going to talk about art. Almost everybody make a mistake thinking that only things like music, pictures, dance, sculpture o cinema are art. I disagree with them; when you are able to say sorry that's art, when you are asleep but you get up from the bed because you have just had a great idea and you need to write it then you are making art, a good draw while you are thinking in a totally different issue, a hug at the right moment or a beautiful letter...all theses details are art because it is anything that removes your stomach.

viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2014

Murderers and victims

From my point of view a conversation in a pub could be very inspiriting. In fact I've just had one with a group of criminology students and I desire to tell you what they have said me.
First of all, they have explained me that there are different types of murderers and victims. Normally murderers have suffered some bad experience in their childhood, they do whatever they saw in their house: if their fathers beat their mothers then theses boys will beat their handcuffs.
Long time ago, police thought that ugly people or citizens with tattoos were criminals, only because of their appearance. Something really stupid. Studies say that there two principal types of murderess: those who have a normal life with their family but they have a second face; or solitary people that have a perfect prototype of person and they try to kill him/her.
Furthermore, there are two general types of victims: guilty people and innocent people. A guilty victim probably sound strange, I will give you an example: if you plan a bank robbery and you die during it, then you are a victim but you are guilty too. The other kind of victim is the innocent person who is killed and he or she hasn't any fault.
To conclude: even if you are studying another degree you should listen other stories and facts because knowledge don't take place.

jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2014

Malala Yousafzai.

Tonight I want to talk about Malala Yousafzai ,a girl who didn't care what people from her country could think about her. She is from Pakistan where women haven't got any rights, they are undervalued. However Malala decided to study to become a person with capacity despite Pakistani men tried to put her off. 
I will show you a video where we can see a Malala's discourse; she tells us that she is a human and, like this, she deserves a opportunity to be whatever she wants: a teacher, a nurse or a philosopher. From my point of view, people should listen her words because it teaches us the meaning of the effort. Actually, a lot of girls are always fighting to achieve freedom since most of the people from these poorly developed countries want to stop them, it seems that women haven't eyes and voice; and men from Pakistan still think that they possess the entire world and losing this power is something that scares them.
This marvelous girl could silence most of the world with her story of bravery and overcoming. She is a clever girl who took the decision of be against anyone that was in her way. People, specially women, should follow her example. It's time to change this situation.

'We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced' Malala.

sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2014

Be careful how you see the is that way

Sometimes you are on the top of the world. Your exams are good, you are confortable in your job, your friends make you happy, you have the perfect family that makes you laugh like a kid, they are perfect maybe a little bit crazy...but perfect anyway. And then...something happens, and all of this fall down. Why? What have happened? My life was as I wanted to it would be. A person? All of us have this person who breaks all our plans when he/she wants; and I say myself: you are an independent girl and you have a lot of people who love you. Your life doesn' t depend on one person. Maybe...a broken dream? Sometimes we put too much hopes in something but we don't achieve it. Nobody is perfect. I still haven't find the reason of my change of mood. However, I have a intuition...humans have feelings, a lot of this...and the feeling which has caused my change of mood is the disappointment ...oh my god! A movie can disappoint you, a book can do it too, even a friend, a teacher, an exam, a t-shirt which looks nice but actually is very unconfortable, or when you realise that you aren't good doing what you love. I think I'm very close of my objetive...the worst disappointment is when you disappoint yourself. When you look at the mirror and you see a different person with a completely different behavior...only to seem "ordinary" only in a group? STOP. It's something really stupid, nobody should change you because you are marvelous just the way you are. If you like write then you must write, if you like eat then you must eat, if you like dance then you have to dance, if you like sing then you should sing, every moment, every second...don't care what people can think about you! And it is because you were born with a big talent that can't be wasted. Catch the option that life brings you! Listen to your heart! What is it saying? It is saying that if you think that you can...then you CAN. Believe in yourself.

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014


The problem that I will explain now is: the power of technologies to separate people. I mean, nowadays wherever we go, our Smartphone are. We have a really big dependence of Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook etc. Polls say us that it's because of the social integration. The human race needs to be accepted. In fact, in the pyramid of needs (economic theory of Maslow) the love and belongnig have the third place. But, are new technologies improving our relationships? Or is it separating us bit by bit?

The first solution that I chose is the next one: less whatsapp and more speaking to each other directly. That's my opinion as from my experience the most of people acts very different by whatsapp that face to face.

What is the problem against my solution? It's very simple. Whatsapp makes our life easier. The speed of new technologies are perfect when you have a important question or if you want to date with a friend. Furthermore, new technologies allow you to be in touch with people who are in the other side of the world.

From my view point, reducing Apple, Samsung, Huawei's publicity could be another solution. Humans (especially teenagers) are so influenced. Every day we are seeing adverts which incite us to buy new mobile phones or tablets.

However, there is a problem: the big international business will never stop their publicity, because their only one preoccupation is earn much and much money. That's like big pharma which have the cure to a lot of illness but put it really high prices while there are a lot of people dying because of this diseases. People are very selfish and unfair.

Concluding, we have to stop this "computerization of the soul". As far as I am concerned social webs are separating people more and more, it's better call someone than send a sms. Is a whatsapp better than a conversation in a pub? Or is a icon better than a hug? I don't think so. We have to stop this because we can't allow that technologies dominate us. People have to take the control of their life. Your life is your life and you have to enjoy every minute because it's awesome. I will try to use new technologies only because of a necessity.

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


Hello everybody!

First at all, I want to say that it's a class exercise, we have to make a redaction with block organisation. The topics that I've chosen are drawing and painting. The next step is contrasting and comparing them.

From my view point people should have different abilities to drawing and painting. It's because it is not the same taking a pencil and making some scrawls than painting with a brush. According to my opinion, painting a picture is something freer than making a drawing as you can be carried along it, while if you are drawing a portrait you have to care all the details.

Next, as far as I am concerned the different into this activities is more complicated because there too many kind of drawings and pictures. I want to start talking about drawing as I love it. Furthermore, I usually draw, I remember when I was a I child and I left my family when we were eating only to starting a sketch, my mum hated it, she didn't understand me...I was inspired!!! And when you have a great idea nobody can stop you. As I've said before, there are diversity of drawings: if you make a portrait you have to be careful and meticulous because a person have a lot of imperfections and you have to represent it, but more, much more than this, when you are doing a portrait you should capture the feelings and the behaviour of the person, not only the physical. However, you can make a drawing using your imagination, in this case, you should be free but you can't be less careful, you have to show all the details that you have in your mind.

Regarding painting, my opinion is that it's less exact. I mean, is easier doing a beautiful picture because you have a lot of colours and you can do sketches more thickness without the precision which a drawing needs. Painting could be very fun because you can make strokes and you don't need to think. Moreover, from my point of view, watercolour is the best method to paint. It's elegant, simple but nice too.

Concluding, drawing and painting are very different. Anyway, people have to be talented to do it very well. According to my opinion both of them are perfect to disconnect for a little time. A good song, a pencil and a blank page...that's happiness.

domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014


Hi my readers! Today I would like to give you my opinion about the sizes. I mean, I’m interested in the effect that the skinny models and the minimum sizes have in the population.

First at all, I could say that I’m a girl who doesn’t care what people can think about her, for this reason I can’t understand why there are women and men that always are worried for their physical. In my opinion it’s because of the fashion designer. I mean, we live in a world where if you haven’t got a XXS size, an iPhone, a vans or other clothes of the latest fashion you aren’t nothing.

Why most of us can’t show their real personality? Every day, I try to find an explication but I can’t. People are beautiful without inferiority complex, however, I just can’t stop watching people who pretend be a different person instead of be themselves.
According to my opinion people (women most of them ) wasting too much weight nowadays because of the apparences. As far as I am concerned it is a big stupidity as the size doesn´t make the person. A person is awesome because of a nice behaviour, generosity and their feelings not because of the clothes or the money!
Recently, I have listened a song which talks about it. It is called "All about that bass", the singer says things like "don't worry about your size" or "Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top".  I agree with this girl, humans are imperfect but this imperfection is fantastic. Every person from this world is different to each other, and for this reason this world is fun.

Concluding, I want to say that we have to live whatever we want. Your life is your life and you should take your own decisions. Live without embarrassment and be yourself as you're wonderful!




domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014

Knowledge will make us free.

Today, I want to talk about the craftiness of people who crave to know. I mean, when you’re a curiosity person (like me) you don’t be embarrassed to ask, curiosity beats education sometimes.

However, people need to know where the limit is. There are a lot of personal question which someone maybe don’t want to answer, questions about the family, relationships or an illness. As far as I concerned it’s disrespect ask this things. I’m not curiosity in this sense; I’m not a gossip girl.

I’m talking about the need to know why people have feelings, two legs instead of four, how someone making a good food or why there are class different when everybody are human. I would like to know what John Lennon thinking when he was writing his songs or I wonder who was the first woman to take on a man when we, the girls, were considered like rubbish without feelings.

Summarizing, I’m interested to learn a lot of things because the knowledge makes us free.

domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

Having the world like native land...

Hi everybody! That's the first article of my blog.

First at all I want to introduce you who I am. Maybe...I am a dreamer. I'm an ambitious and outgoing girl who loves art and music.

I like reading books, my passion for the books started when I was 11 and I had the curiosity of a child. I mean: I read every and all books I saw, even more if it wasn't recommended to me (a little girl). I was thirsty to know. Later, when I was 13, I started to write a little bit stories, but I've never finished none. I remember that I wrote a story about The Beatles and I want to finish it one day... I think this blog is a good opportunity to recuperate one of my favourite hobbies: writing.

Following, if I have to choose a word that describes me it would be: globetrotter. I would wish to have this lifestyle one day, for this reason I’ve chosen this degree: English Studies, because I want to road every highway, and talk to every person I see. However, I don't want to learn only the language, I'm interested in the English culture and literature too.

I haven't got a favourite place in the world. I like almost all the countries, for example: India, New York, Brazil, Ireland, Alaska, Arizona, Cape Town, Italy, Greece, Thailand, Australia ... And I've only been in one of them: Italy, crib of art. I was in Florence, Rome... I loved its people, its streets, its monuments, I enjoyed every corner. I would like to visit the rest of these places and also the places that I can't imagine yet. I'm an amateur of know different cultures, different points of view, not only my own.

Concluding, every place has its magic: Greece's white houses, Alaska's mountains, Ireland's green lands, Australia's kangaroos etc. As a great writer said: where there are people that you love and who love you, that is the nicest place in the world.